
Welcome to our Newsletter Library!

Here, you will find our collection of informative newsletters that cover a variety of important health and wellness topics. These complimentary newsletters are provided so that you may improve your understanding of chiropractic care and learn more about the fascinating abilities of our bodies! 

  • Chiropractic Care and Your Nervous System

    Could chiropractic care help regulate your nervous system?

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  • The Benefits of Chiropractic for Chronic Pain Caused by PTSD

    Chiropractic treatment could offer the solution if chronic pain is one of your PTSD symptoms.

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  • Chronic Conditions That Can be Improved with Chiropractic

    Are you living with a chronic condition? Chiropractic treatment may help you manage your health problem more effectively.

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  • A Chiropractor’s Role in Reducing Inflammation

    Do you want to avoid the dangerous health consequences of inflammation? Give your chiropractor a call.

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  • Thaw Your Frozen Shoulder With Chiropractic

    Can't raise your arm due to a frozen shoulder? Chiropractic care offers a natural solution to your frozen shoulder symptoms.

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  • Treating Your Shin Splints with Chiropractic Care

    Does shin splint pain keep you on the sidelines far too often? Chiropractic care can help you get back on your feet.

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  • Chiropractic Treatments Relieve Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

    Do you have carpal tunnel syndrome? Chiropractic care can relieve your symptoms naturally.

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  • Enhance Your Balance and Coordination with Chiropractic

    Having trouble keeping your balance? Call the chiropractor!

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  • Proper Overindulgence Over the Holidays

    Proper Overindulgence Over The Holidays The term "overindulgence" is probably best assessed as a red flag, especially with respect to consistent overconsumption of high-calorie comfort food and desserts during the holiday season. An overall healthier perspective could be described as "indulgence" regarding

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  • The 5 Senses

    The 5 Senses The five senses, that is, the sense of sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell, provide us with necessary information regarding the world around us.1 These precious capabilities enable us to navigate our environment with seemingly instantaneous feedback with reference to our actions and

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  • The Benefits of Sleep for Adults

    Obtaining sufficient restful sleep is an essential requirement for optimal human productivity. Such a practice is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, which includes a nutritious diet, regular vigorous exercise, and a positive mental attitude. How much sleep one needs varies from person to person.

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  • Back to School and Mental Wellness

    Summer is a subjectively fleeting season and school days are upon us once again. For children, this bittersweet time marks the completion of a period of relative freedom and the beginning of a new set of responsibilities. For adults, the onset of late summer and early fall signals yet another turn of

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  • Repetitive Motion Injuries

    A repetitive motion injury (or overuse injury) involves doing an action over and over again, as with a baseball pitcher throwing a baseball, a tennis player hitting a tennis ball, typing at a computer keyboard, and most notoriously, typing with your thumbs on the tiny keypad of your phone. It may be

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  • Left-Handers Day

    Left-Handers Day Left-Handers Day, celebrated on August 15th, was launched in 1992 by the Left-Handers Club, an organization based in the United Kingdom. Since then, Left-Handers Day has become a worldwide event and social media phenomenon. Around the world, approximately one in ten persons is left-handed.

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  • Peak Experiences

    Peak Experiences The American philosopher and naturalist Henry David Thoreau roamed far and wide over the hills and mountains of his native Massachusetts and neighboring New Hampshire. In his masterwork, "Walden," Thoreau famously stated that we must "reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical

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  • Dynamic Warm-ups

    In a common occurrence, you bend over to pick up the pencil you inadvertently dropped on the floor. Or you bend over to pick up the soap bar that has slipped through your fingers in the shower. Or you bend over to lift a bag of groceries out of your automobile trunk. These are all daily events. But on

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